CSR will switch back to in-person teaching! During the joint meeting on October 30, 2021, CSR school board and school committee had unanimously voted to switch back to in-person...
Our CSR families and teachers on T stageLast night our CSR families and teachers were super stars on T stage! They brought our Chinese culture to the Light Up the World Show...
2021年向春天问好书写比赛作品欣赏特等奖 (六年级张天恩) 一等奖(一年级于欣楷): 一等奖 (三年级孙嘉蔚): 一等奖 (高中及成人班 Qariza Rafa-Vidya): 一等奖 (四年级许灵可): 一等奖 (八年级林思绮): 一等奖(八年级陈语萱): 一等奖 (四年级任圣洁):